Family portrait on Galveston Beach

It’s time for your long-awaited family vacation to the beach on Galveston Island!
The kids are a year older, Mom and Dad are a year wiser, and you can hardly wait to post your vacation pics on social networks. So far, a few photos have turned out ‘really good’, and you plan on enlarging your favorites when you get home. Suddenly, it dawns on you that this would’ve been a great family portrait, except Dad is not in it – he’s taking the picture! Mom was in mid-sentence telling one of the kids to look at the camera. The sunset that you thought would make a nice background is barely visible in the photo. The dream of including a family portrait from your trip in your Christmas cards has faded.
You turn to ask a stranger passing by on the Seawall to take a picture of the entire family together, but you hesitate as you think of the odds of someone running off with the new Canon Power Shot camera your husband gave you for Mother’s Day.
Most people are honest, you remind yourself, and you get a friendly fellow beach-lover to snap a few shots. After waving goodbye, you look through the images and find yourself blinking back tears – two are super blurry, and the only one in focus has cut off the heads of your husband and teenager. All the way back to the hotel you vow “Next time, we are booking a professional photographer to take our family portrait on the beach!”

Last week, SGI Photography had the joy of capturing fun family portraits on the beach for the AWESOME Allen family from Oklahoma! They really knew how to get the most out of their family vacation memories! This adorable family was such a blast to work with! The time that they set aside and the effort of scheduling a planned family portrait session on the Galveston beach were so worth it! Two brothers – running together at the edge of the water with a little gleam in their eye; the whole family gathered close in each other’s arms on the seashore; no matter how tall their boys grow, or where life takes them, these are some precious moments they will treasure forever! These are the professional portraits they will be proud to enlarge and display in their home!

If you have just arrived in Galveston, Texas with your family, or are still in the planning stages of your next trip to the beach, give SGI Photography a call – even if it is short notice – and make your Galveston Island family vacation complete with a professional family portrait session on the beach!
Remember, in the summer months it is a little cooler in the early mornings! Consider a portrait session around 8 or 9 am. The sky and water are beautiful, the beaches are much less crowded, younger children tend to be especially bright-eyed, plus you’ll have the rest of the day freed up for your incredible adventures!

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